Roof Tile Removal Tools and Equipment
Some roof tiles may require replacement due to wear and tear. Others may need to be removed for other reasons, including repairs or a full roof replacement. For this reason, it’s important to know how to remove roof tiles correctly so that your repair is durable. To do this, you’ll need to gather the following materials: Safety First When you’re dealing with roof repair and replacement, crew safety needs to be first on the list of priorities. Falling through the roof or off of the ladder is obviously one major risk, and crew members must be properly outfitted with protective clothing (gloves and shoes), eye protection and a sturdy ladder that will support their weight and help them reach their work area safely. When working on a tile roof, it’s essential to carefully inspect the entire surface for cracks or broken tiles and signs of leaks. It’s also important to check for biological growth (fungus, mold, etc.), which may require the removal of the damaged tile or the application of...