Roof Tile Removal Tools and Equipment

Some roof tiles may require replacement due to wear and tear. Others may need to be removed for other reasons, including repairs or a full roof replacement.

For this reason, it’s important to know how to remove roof tiles correctly so that your repair is durable. To do this, you’ll need to gather the following materials:

Safety First

When you’re dealing with roof repair and replacement, crew safety needs to be first on the list of priorities. Falling through the roof or off of the ladder is obviously one major risk, and crew members must be properly outfitted with protective clothing (gloves and shoes), eye protection and a sturdy ladder that will support their weight and help them reach their work area safely.

When working on a tile roof, it’s essential to carefully inspect the entire surface for cracks or broken tiles and signs of leaks. It’s also important to check for biological growth (fungus, mold, etc.), which may require the removal of the damaged tile or the application of roof underlay to prevent water infiltration and interior damage.

Once a tile is removed, it’s important to set it aside on a soft cloth or padding to protect it from accidental damage. It’s also a good idea to inspect the underlying roof for any additional repairs that need to be addressed before reattaching the tile.


When removing tiles, a hammer and pry bar are the basic tools of choice. A specialized tool used in the roofing industry for slate tile roofs called a slate ripper is also available and can save you from doing the labor-intensive, hard-on-the-wrist job of using a cold chisel to chip away at a tile to loosen it.

A sledgehammer, like this eight-pound steel head fiberglass one from Kobalt ($35 at Lowe’s), can help you bust through stubborn tiles and get the job done quickly. But be careful not to swing in a way that damages other areas of the roof.

Other tools to have in your arsenal include a ladder, a dump trailer and a basic broom. A broom is essential for keeping the work area free of debris, dust and other materials as you progress through your roof removal job. A dump trailer makes it easier to move debris to an onsite dumpster without needing multiple crew members to handle it on the ground.

Ladder or Platform

Ladders come in all shapes and sizes with a variety of features. Some features make a ladder better for roofing work, such as extra-wide or D rungs that provide stability for climbing and standing and slip resistance. Other features that can be useful include stabilizers or standoffs that increase a ladder’s footprint, allowing it to rest on surfaces like gutters without damaging them, and wings that flare out from the top and bottom of a ladder, helping stabilize it against whatever surface it leans against.

Ladders that don’t stand on their own are called non self-supporting ladders or straight or extension ladders and must be supported against a wall, roof, or other structure to be safe. There are also ladders that can be set up in multiple configurations, such as trestle ladders or scaffolding ladders. These are often made of aluminum or steel and have a load rating that can be adjusted to match the project.

Broken Tiles

Sometimes, even though concrete tile roofs are among the strongest of roofing materials, they may be susceptible to breakage due to excessive roof traffic or inclement weather. When this occurs, replacing the broken tile is essential for preventing roof leaks and ceiling damage.

During tile removal, it is important to be cautious and not disturb the tiles that remain intact. It is also advisable to wear proper safety equipment, such as gloves, non-slip shoes and a safety harness when working at height. It is also a good idea to work in pairs and inform someone about your rooftop activities for additional safety.

If your roof tiles are clipped or nailed, you will need to pry off the clip and the nail and then extract the broken tile. Then, fit a new replacement tile and fix it using roofing cement or glue. After the repair, it is advisable to inspect the area and make sure there are no other broken or damaged tiles that need addressing.

from Tile Removal Newcastle


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